The weather played a big part for the evening programme. It had been extremely wet for the past one week... raining almost incessantly on most days. We didn't think that we will be gung-ho enough to brave the downpour along Orchard Road and still need to squeeze through the crowd. It was good that we finally saw a bit of letting up on that day itself... so we hopped on the MRT from City Hall to Orchard Road. It was Matty's first train ride and we could tell that he was a bit apprehensive. But his "inactiveness" was only good for 4 stops... by which time he was struggling to get off our laps and ready to explore the train.
We didn't manage to walk down the whole Orchard Road as planned... only survived the short stretch between the train station and Ngee Ann City. Firstly, the walkway was congested (as expected) and the booths by the side of the road made it worse... taking up almost half of the passageway. People stopping by the booths contributed to the problem further. Secondly, there was no way that Matty this short can breathe or walk in the crowd (actually he pretty much refused to walk and preferred to be carried even while we walk through Suntec, City Link Mall towards the City Hall station). So Daddy had ended up carrying Matty most of the time. Definitely not a joke to carry such a big sack of rice.
Matty got his new bed at Takashimaya that night. It was high time that he move out from his existing cot and make way for Baby Elaina.
By the time we made it back to the hotel, Mummy had a pair of really sore legs from the amount of walking with a big tum tum and Daddy had a pair of really sore arms from carrying Matty. Despite the really really long day... Matty was still wide awake after his milk. Attempted the same trick again by strapping him to the stroller and pushing him around the mall again. Slightly after 11 pm, we finally got our "lights-out" and thankfully Matty slept through the night this time round until the next morning when he got woken up by the alarm clock. Not much explanation needed as to why the alarm clock went off... obviously somebody was fiddling with it earlier that afternoon.
Christmas eve was pretty much a family affair with everyone over for dinner. I think Matty finally figured out the purpose of those nicely wrapped boxes under the Christmas tree. Christmas Day was just a slow day with Mummy's side of the family here for a visit.
Now that the fun is over... its time to take down the tree this coming weekend and let it hibernate until next year Christmas.
(And here's a cheeky photo of Matty...)