Found - Baby Matty just found out over the weekend that he could actually stand unsupported. Well he has been capable of it since about 2 months back but he did it unknowingly. He was enthusiastic about trying it out last Saturday and that's about it. Hopefully he will master the courage to try the new stunt more often. Practice makes perfect ya?
Lost - Baby Matty lost interest in his kiddy ride just mere 30 seconds after the ride started moving. See the photos below? The frown on his face and then scrambling to get out....

Found - An old man was found dead in his house last night and highly decomposed. He stays 2 houses away from Granny. God.. the stench was really really bad. The humid weather yesterday probably made it worse. The man actually fainted on his driveway about a week ago but when the ambulance arrived he was up and about. Mummy even made remarks a few days after that the man could be dead in the house upon seeing newspapers lying on his driveway for days. But at that time there was no stench at all. Hmmm... now that I recall, makes my hair stand. Yikes... now we will be forever reminded of this incident everytime we walk pass the house.