Yesterday was the detailed scan for the baby with the other Dr Lim. Basically, it was a detailed check of everything for your little sibling, from head to toe. Every part of the baby was carefully documented, from the size of his head, to his limbs & even counting the number of digits on his little hands and feet! It was quite an eye opener, compared to Dr Lim's ultrasound scanner. During the scan, we also confirmed that you have a little brother. I think the grannies are dissappointed as they wanted a little granddaughter to dress up, but Daddy's granny (belonging to the older generation) was obviously very pleased for a great-grandson.
Your little brother, unfortunately, was not being too coorperative during the scan, so Dr Lim missed out on one last scan for the blood leaving the heart due to how he decided to lie in Mummy's womb. So, during the next visit, we'll have to try again. Mummy has been asking him to "kick kick kick" every night. Obviously, he heard her as he was rather active during the scan, moving his legs & waving, but he just refused to cooperate to give a good view of his heart.
It was a little apprehensive for Daddy going into that room with Mummy as that was where we had seen you guys for the last time. But, knowing that you are keeping an eye on your baby brother brings some happiness to know that you are around.
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