
Friday, 17 March 2006

Eight and A Half Months Old

Things are looking alot better now that Baby Matty's teeth are out... well at least for now until his next tooth starts to cut out. He now has 4 at the top and 2 at the bottom. Well not like he sleeps through the night but at least he does fall back into sleep quite promptly and he stopped waking up at the dot of every hour. Then again we are not sure if he is going keep this going. Every time when things are looking up... they don't usually last long.

Baby Matty can cruise around the house quite well nowadays. Not sure when he will start letting go and attempt to walk unsupported. By then we will have more back-breaking moments... not sure if it is a good or bad thing. He blabbers alot more often as well. Mummy just had a funny "conversation" with Baby Matty this morning. He goes "papapapapapapp"... I reply with "papapapappa"... and he will follow up with "papapapapa". He actually paused to listen and wait for his turn to speak. Not much luck trying to get him to say "mamamamama" for a change. If I hadn't mention this... he only says "mamamama" when crying... otherwise its "papapapapa" most of the time. "Baobao" is another word that he can mouth at the moment.

Trying to say "no" to Baby Matty more often lately as well. He tests his limits all the time... from dropping things onto the floor while sitting on the high chair, pulling the curtains (he just can't seem to stop doing this even though he has been told repeatedly not to) to touching the breakable stuff. He knows that he is not allowed to... you can tell from the shifty look he has every time he attempts to do the "un-doable".


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