
Thursday, 30 March 2006

Guru in the Making

Mummy has become an avid collector of recipes especially for baby food. We have a baby connoisseur at home and he needs variety. Actually Mummy enjoys cooking just never really had the chance to. A guru needs good recipes... and that's what I am doing for a start. When Baby Matty grows a bit older... hopefully I will find more time on hand to go into the complicated dishes. Would love to bake too... but that requires a bit more effort as we need to get all the fancy pansy apparatus. Don't want to spend that kind of money unless I know that I make every cents worth it.

In the meantime... waiting for a guru to appear and tell me how to get Baby Matty to sleep better. He is still fighting sleep and getting harder and harder to "restraint". Humour doesn't quite work... he just gets too happy to sleep after that. Lecturing him makes him all sniffy and puffy eyes... he ends up having a bad night making things worse for everyone. Every few days we need to think of new alternatives to lull him to sleep. Hi-5 vcd is losing its power. He use to knock out after thirty minutes... then it became one hour and now after 2 rounds he is still wide awake. I just hope that someone will send me the answer I need one of these days... and please make it quick.
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