Dr Chan suggested that it was probably better if we bring Matty down to see her even though his temperature was only 38 degree celsius, on the account that he was behaving as if he was very uncomfy. It was a good thing that we did as his temperature went up to 39.6 degree celsius within an hour. Matty had to get admitted for observation so as to make sure that the temperature would not rise beyond that.
Shortly after the medication was administered... Matty's fever seem to have subsided alot and he was back to his active self again and we were not even done with the admission registration. However, the temperature fluctuated throughout the rest of the day and we were ordered to get a blood test and urine test done on Monday... dashing the remote chance of getting discharged on Monday morning.
Drawing the blood was a big challenge. Not only do we need to restrain Matty and prevent him from moving... his tiny vein made it hard to get the needle at the right spot. Mummy's heart ached to see him cry so much. Due to the amount of force used... it gave Matty a little bruise on his left arm.
Matty probably was a phobia now of nurses in cute aprons. Because he will be reminded of the yucky medication that he had to take. Every time he sees one entering the room he will instinctively scream and cry first to protest. Otherwise the rest of the time he acted like he was on some sort of holiday away from home. Nobody could tell that he was ill.
The temperature finally stablised on Monday night and we were allowed to be discharged on Tuesday morning. It was good to know that the whole saga was finally over.
Matty rolling around and having fun in the cot...

In trance with the TV...

Time to go home. Better taking count of the bags we have...