Matty had his first gym lesson last Tuesday. It was a good start with him hardly fussing except when the trainers tried to make him do something against his own wishes. Although he didn't quite warm up to the rest of the toddlers... he showed no distress as well even when he was left alone with the rest of the children and us watching by the side. We seriously thought that he was adapting to the class alot better than we had anticipated. His excellent "performance" didn't last that long. By the second lesson... he was crying buckets and grandma had to stay with him throughout just to pacify him. Think it will still take a few more lessons before he will take this in his stride... just like when he gets his haircut.
Just when Mummy thought that Dr Lim is off my back this time round for not putting on enough weight... I was totally wrong. During last Saturday's checkup... it was noted that Mummy had only put on 4 kg (the fats piled on before pregnancy wasn't allowed to be taken into consideration). Ideally for a 30-weeker, I should have added 7 kg to the weighing scale. I have my serious doubt that I can ever bridge that gap in the next 2 months. As it is, Mummy has much difficulty trying to finish my meal at anytime due to the stomach capacity being reduced with Baby Elaina's head fighting for more space. Speaking of Baby Elaina's head, it seems like she has caught on with the size chart and is looking to be on target.