Just when we thought that there was a possibility of trying natural birth at the earlier checkup two weeks ago, Princess Elaina decides to get back into breech position again. We are not hopeful that she will find the heads-down position more comfy before the next checkup (which is only a mere five days away). In the meantime, her breech position may be the best position for her... not so for Mummy. Her head is pressing against my tum tum and it feels like I have suffered a bruise. The only relief that I get is when I lie down on my right side and with her weight pulled down by the gravity... the tension comes off.
Mummy is all prepared for another caesarean this time round... which is likely to happen either on 17 or 18 March depending on the availability of Dr Lim. Not too far away... just another two weeks more to go to get to D-day. The good part is that because we know when exactly it is going to happen, there are alot of things which we can plan beforehand and get everything in place. On top of that, Mummy is gorging myself silly with all the good food before "confinement" begins. Doesn't bother me much since my weight has been stagnant over the last two weeks and not likely to see it go sky high before D-day.
Not sure if its really so true... Matty is getting more and more clingy these days. It worries Mummy what his reaction will be when he needs to be parked with his grandparents for at least a week while Mummy recuperates from the 10-cm long wound and keeping sane with a cranky newborn. One thing that we should really get done is to bring Matty for another swim. It has been ages since we last did that... either because of the bad weather or someone down with a flu.