Thursday, 28 January 2010
All About Punishment
It wasn’t too long ago when a few of my forum buddies were on the topic of their kids telling lies and how they tried to overcome that problem. I was quietly congratulating myself for not having to deal with such ugly situations because Matty had never been caught lying (ok… at that point in time it never occurred to me that he could have been lucky) and Elaina is still at the age of sprouting nonsense and telling make-believe stuff which sounded real (she calls herself “Baby Giraffe” and me “Mummy Giraffe” and gets upset if you call her a big girl) which makes it really hard to tell if there was any ill-intent on her part, let alone brand her a liar.
Of course now, I can’t quite say the same because Matty was caught lying to us twice in a row over one weekend.
First was when he lied that he was playing with the toy shopping basket and Elaina tried to siphon it off from his hands when it was really the other way round. Of course the little sister protested likewise. It was only after we threatened to ask the maid who was the only witness, and that the person caught lying will be in huge trouble did Matty decide to bite the bullet and come clean about his deed. He was punished by sitting on the sofa for 10 minutes and not allowed any toys or TV. The very next day he insisted that the maid told him to get the iphone to keep himself entertained and even suggested to his father to double-check with the maid to prove his innocence. Obviously and needless to say he ended up being punished by not being allowed anywhere near the iphone for 5 days. That was as good as banishing him to hell.
Since then, Matty hasn’t told a single lie (or maybe he is lucky that he didn't get caught?) but each time when Elaina acts up Matty’s first response would be to deny the little one the iphone for 5 weeks. Looks like the iphone is not just a family entertainer it is a good tool when it comes to instilling punishment. The thought of taking the phone away from the kids is enough to make them shudder and think twice about committing “crimes” LOL.
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