
Friday, 5 November 2010


The frustration as a mother finally hiked! What can be worse than not being able to scream at your own kids when they ought to be screamed at?

Since the thyroid surgery, I have been monitoring my voice like how an investment banker monitors the stock market. On some days, it can be good and on certain days, it just crashes for no apparent reason. Even on good days, I can only speak slightly more than a whisper in a quiet environment. Just imagine who the hell can hear me when the kids are bickering or throwing tantrum. I can’t even hear myself let alone them.

The frustration is beyond any that I have ever felt and my level of patience is being put to the ultimate test. I cannot take control of a situation, get tired from speaking and most of the time I can’t even be bothered to verbalise to the children my thoughts. Mostly I let them run wild (together with my blood pressure) until the father steps in.

I haven’t even gone past the 1-month mark and I am already very affected by the lost of voice projection. I don’t mind sounding a little hoarse even if my voice won’t recover fully, but I think at the very least the voice needs to be audible in a public place or amongst a bunch of rowdy kids. I wonder how am I going to live with the condition for a few more months to confirm if the vocal cord is merely strained from the surgery or is it permanently damaged.

On a lighter note, I am sure the kids don’t mind a mother who won’t scream at them under all circumstances.


MomiJJ said...

If I cant shout,I will show my cane. kekeke..

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