Today is the last day of Year 2005... just a few more hours to go before we enter into a brand new year.
It has been a busy Christmas and New Year's Eve as we finally welcome guests to our home. Mummy is now into serious cooking... trying to find some good recipes and get some hands on. It is quite fun to cook actually... except of course the washing that comes after that is not what I look forward to. Thank god we have a domestic helper to clean up the mess. Now I fully understand why those who can cook will not enjoy the washing up.. and those who don't prefers the washing up! Guess that I have moved from the washing to cooking. Other than cooking... Mummy is also trying to pick up bahasa Indonesia so that I can communicate with the maid better. No more "ini, ini, itu, itu". Wish me luck... hopefully I will be doing better in both aspects come Year 2006. Of course... still learning to be a better Mummy... and to be a bit more patient with Baby Matty especially on nights when he isn't sleeping well.
Baby Matty was thrilled on Christmas eve to receive so many new toys. Don't think he understood what it was all about. But as long as he is happy... we are happy too. He is now starting to crawl... without much success though. And with a much stronger back... we should be seeing him sit up on his own pretty soon. Losing a bit of appetite for the last 2 days... looks like he is getting his pearlies. Didn't have his first jewel for Christmas... let's see if he gets that as a Chinese New Year pressie. The next six months should be an exciting one for him as he hits his many milestones... sitting up, crawling, walking and talking. Of course which means he won't be sleeping well when he crosses each milestones. Oh those sleepless nights...
Mummy will try to post more often come Year 2006. It has been a busy year for both Daddy and Mummy... new job, newborn, new house, new lifestyle, new routine... completely got us off-track. Time to get on again... hopefully!
Happy New Year and may all wishes come through for everyone!!
Saturday, 31 December 2005
Tuesday, 6 December 2005
*Cough* *Cough*
Mummy's down with a really bad sore throat and am taking a break, resting at home for today... more to catch up on my sleep rather than recovering from the bad throat. Baby Matty hasn't been sleeping well for the past one month and we are not really too sure what's the reason. On nights that are good... he will only wake up 2 or 3 times... and when bad... he can be waking up almost every hour... just like last night. Hopefully this is a phase which will pass soon.
Baby Matty has started on semi-solid about a month ago and he sure is enjoying all the different tastes. His next milestone should be sitting up without any support. Hopefully by then he will be more independent and be able to sit and play on his own for a while. It is amazing to know that he is now 5 months old... soon we will be sending him off to college.
By the way... Christmas is just round the corner and we have put up our first Christmas tree last weekend! My wish for this year - many many nights of uninterrupted sleep.
Baby Matty has started on semi-solid about a month ago and he sure is enjoying all the different tastes. His next milestone should be sitting up without any support. Hopefully by then he will be more independent and be able to sit and play on his own for a while. It is amazing to know that he is now 5 months old... soon we will be sending him off to college.
By the way... Christmas is just round the corner and we have put up our first Christmas tree last weekend! My wish for this year - many many nights of uninterrupted sleep.
Saturday, 5 November 2005
This Special Day...
To My Two Angels...
Today went by with a blink of an eye... just like the year did. Mummy was kept busy the whole day... just like the past one year... but I did not forget this special day. I am sure the same goes for Daddy. We would very much like to put the first candle on your cake.
I hope you boys are happy wherever you are. Please take care of each other... because Daddy and Mummy can't do much for you from where we are.
Happy birthday and good night.
Lots of love,
Today went by with a blink of an eye... just like the year did. Mummy was kept busy the whole day... just like the past one year... but I did not forget this special day. I am sure the same goes for Daddy. We would very much like to put the first candle on your cake.
I hope you boys are happy wherever you are. Please take care of each other... because Daddy and Mummy can't do much for you from where we are.
Happy birthday and good night.
Lots of love,
Wednesday, 24 August 2005
Hitting the Milestones
It is amazing how time flies... Baby Matty will be 8 weeks old come this Friday. It is even more amazing to see how much he has grown in just 8 weeks. Even Dr. Chan cannot help but comment that he is developing fast despite his age. Baby Matty was able to "walk" and lift up his head at the last checkup even though he was only 5 weeks old... he could smile at us when he was barely 3 weeks old. Nowadays he will smile whenever he sees a familiar face... his smile melts Mummy's heart everytime without fail. In fact he was able to hold his bottle for a while today.
The thought of returning to work in less than 3 weeks brings on mix feelings. On one hand Mummy is looking forward to getting out of the house and going back to work... but on the other I won't be able to spend as much time with Baby Matty and be there with him when he crosses each single milestone.
The thought of returning to work in less than 3 weeks brings on mix feelings. On one hand Mummy is looking forward to getting out of the house and going back to work... but on the other I won't be able to spend as much time with Baby Matty and be there with him when he crosses each single milestone.
Thursday, 4 August 2005
Alot Better
Mummy's confinement is finally over... and that is a big relief. It was really depressing for the last 4 weeks with so many restrictions and had almost "no contact" with the outside world.
We had a big celebration for Baby Matty's first month but it was a little too overwhelming for Baby Matty to see so many guests and being passed around. He had a tough time calming himself down that night.
Things are getting more settled as compared to a month ago, as Baby Matty starts forming a fixed daily schedule. However, it is rather taxing taking care of him in the afternoon when he needs to be carried alot unlike in the morning when he can happily lie in the playpen and keep himself entertained. Then there are the occasional nights when he refuses to sleep. Otherwise we are coping much better than before.
We had a big celebration for Baby Matty's first month but it was a little too overwhelming for Baby Matty to see so many guests and being passed around. He had a tough time calming himself down that night.
Things are getting more settled as compared to a month ago, as Baby Matty starts forming a fixed daily schedule. However, it is rather taxing taking care of him in the afternoon when he needs to be carried alot unlike in the morning when he can happily lie in the playpen and keep himself entertained. Then there are the occasional nights when he refuses to sleep. Otherwise we are coping much better than before.
Friday, 22 July 2005
It Has Been a Roller-Coastal Ride
It has been three weeks since Baby Matty arrived and as expected... our lives were thrown off course as we try hard to adjust and fit into our respective new roles.
First we had problems with direct breastfeeding as Mummy's nipple was a little too short and Baby Matty had problem sucking on it. To top it off... Baby Matty inherited the "impatience gene" from Daddy and Mummy... hence he was too impatient to wait for the flow to come in. Every feeding session was a nightmare leaving Baby Matty crying and Mummy frustrated (and in pain due to the cesarean wound). In the end... we decided that breast pump was the best solution.
The days following were the toughest for us. Baby Matty's biological clock was in sync with America time. He sleeps during the day and stays awake through the night. Daddy and Mummy were sleep deprived as a result. Physical exhaustion was only part of it... we had to fend off the many unsolicited advices, opinions, views (whatever you want to call it) from the elders. Mummy had it the worse as compared to Daddy. "Why are you not wearing long pants?", "Why are you eating so little?", "You are suppose to sit down and stop walking around.", "Stop washing your hands so many times a day." (wait till you hear about the number of showers I take each day)... blah blah blah and the list just goes on and on. To make the situation worse, we had no privacy at all... I couldn't express breast milk nor lie down to rest with everyone walking in and out of the room trying to play with Baby Matty. I was at the verge of slipping into post-natal depression by the end of the first week... not because of the baby but the stress that I get from the people around.
By the third day after returning from the hospital... Baby Matty had to be admitted again due to his jaundice. The house became quiet once again. We managed to get things done and more rest without him around... but we missed him terribly.
Then came the second week... when Mummy experienced extreme pain. The pain was worse than that from the cesarean... the only one physical pain so far that could make my tears flow. Thinking that it was due to blocked ducts, Mummy spent hours and hours in the shower trying to clear the blocked ducts with hot compression for days... but strangely to no avail. It was only when fever set in the second time did we realise that it was breast infection and not blocked ducts. We had to get a lactation consultant in the end to help. The pain did go away but somehow the milk flow dropped drastically since then. With the big appetite that Baby Matty has... Mummy is now wondering how long I can still breastfeed him.
Currently the biggest question now is "To carry or not to carry?". Daddy hasn't been very pleased with his folks for running to Baby Matty every time he cries (actually Mummy is just as guilty at times). It doesn't seem right to let him go on and on but at the same time we cannot allow him to have his way all the time. Big dilemma!!!
Having seen the pediatrician yesterday, we found out that Baby Matty's misbehaviour for the last few days could be due to the formula milk. Apparently, cow's milk has more phosphate than breast milk and chemical reaction takes place when phosphate comes in contact with calcium in the baby's body hence reducing the calcium level. Calcium controls the nerves and with the reduction in calcium... it affects the nerves and therefore baby will be more irritable. Makes perfect sense to us as Baby Matty started acting a little strange one day after Mummy came down with fever and had to stop giving him breast milk.
Parenthood hasn't been easy... but I guess that it happens to everyone. We stumble and learn along the way. The most rewarding part is the change that we get to witness day after day in Baby Matty... when he tries hard to control his facial muscle and manage a little smile... when he tries hard to hold his own pacifier and stop it from falling out... when he tries hard to grab the milk bottle even though knowing very well it is still not quite possible... when he tries hard to toilet train himself and making those funny noises as he pushes his poo out... and of course not forgetting that he now weighs 4.5 kg and measuring 58 cm in length with a head circumference of 37 cm.
First we had problems with direct breastfeeding as Mummy's nipple was a little too short and Baby Matty had problem sucking on it. To top it off... Baby Matty inherited the "impatience gene" from Daddy and Mummy... hence he was too impatient to wait for the flow to come in. Every feeding session was a nightmare leaving Baby Matty crying and Mummy frustrated (and in pain due to the cesarean wound). In the end... we decided that breast pump was the best solution.
The days following were the toughest for us. Baby Matty's biological clock was in sync with America time. He sleeps during the day and stays awake through the night. Daddy and Mummy were sleep deprived as a result. Physical exhaustion was only part of it... we had to fend off the many unsolicited advices, opinions, views (whatever you want to call it) from the elders. Mummy had it the worse as compared to Daddy. "Why are you not wearing long pants?", "Why are you eating so little?", "You are suppose to sit down and stop walking around.", "Stop washing your hands so many times a day." (wait till you hear about the number of showers I take each day)... blah blah blah and the list just goes on and on. To make the situation worse, we had no privacy at all... I couldn't express breast milk nor lie down to rest with everyone walking in and out of the room trying to play with Baby Matty. I was at the verge of slipping into post-natal depression by the end of the first week... not because of the baby but the stress that I get from the people around.
By the third day after returning from the hospital... Baby Matty had to be admitted again due to his jaundice. The house became quiet once again. We managed to get things done and more rest without him around... but we missed him terribly.
Then came the second week... when Mummy experienced extreme pain. The pain was worse than that from the cesarean... the only one physical pain so far that could make my tears flow. Thinking that it was due to blocked ducts, Mummy spent hours and hours in the shower trying to clear the blocked ducts with hot compression for days... but strangely to no avail. It was only when fever set in the second time did we realise that it was breast infection and not blocked ducts. We had to get a lactation consultant in the end to help. The pain did go away but somehow the milk flow dropped drastically since then. With the big appetite that Baby Matty has... Mummy is now wondering how long I can still breastfeed him.
Currently the biggest question now is "To carry or not to carry?". Daddy hasn't been very pleased with his folks for running to Baby Matty every time he cries (actually Mummy is just as guilty at times). It doesn't seem right to let him go on and on but at the same time we cannot allow him to have his way all the time. Big dilemma!!!
Having seen the pediatrician yesterday, we found out that Baby Matty's misbehaviour for the last few days could be due to the formula milk. Apparently, cow's milk has more phosphate than breast milk and chemical reaction takes place when phosphate comes in contact with calcium in the baby's body hence reducing the calcium level. Calcium controls the nerves and with the reduction in calcium... it affects the nerves and therefore baby will be more irritable. Makes perfect sense to us as Baby Matty started acting a little strange one day after Mummy came down with fever and had to stop giving him breast milk.
Parenthood hasn't been easy... but I guess that it happens to everyone. We stumble and learn along the way. The most rewarding part is the change that we get to witness day after day in Baby Matty... when he tries hard to control his facial muscle and manage a little smile... when he tries hard to hold his own pacifier and stop it from falling out... when he tries hard to grab the milk bottle even though knowing very well it is still not quite possible... when he tries hard to toilet train himself and making those funny noises as he pushes his poo out... and of course not forgetting that he now weighs 4.5 kg and measuring 58 cm in length with a head circumference of 37 cm.
Monday, 4 July 2005
Baby's Home
Your little brother, baby Matthias was delivered on 1st July, at 11:24 am. By an amazing coincidence, his Chinese birthday is the same as Mummy's & the time is only 5 minutes apart, Mummy was born at 11:29.
Unfortunately, Daddy was unable to be there to witness his birth, but we could hear him long before we could see him. He had big strong lungs & was shouting his lungs out even before leaving the operating theatre. He was huge for a newborn, at 8 pounds 5! He had lovely long hair & sharp nails, probably due to the fact that he is so overdue. The shape of his face is Daddy's but the eyes, nose & mouth are all Mummy's. But looking at Baby Matty, one could see the resemblance from Daddy's baby photos.
For a 4 day old baby, Matty certainly has his parent's character as well, including our impatience. When it's time for him to eat, if he doesn't get his milk quick & fast, he starts crying at the top of his lungs. It's a bit harrowing on the first couple of days, but Mummy & Daddy are slowly beginning to cope.
We are all still learning with everyone having their ideas on how things should be done. I'm sure that Mummy & Daddy will be able to handle it! Wish us all (including Baby Matty) good luck!
Unfortunately, Daddy was unable to be there to witness his birth, but we could hear him long before we could see him. He had big strong lungs & was shouting his lungs out even before leaving the operating theatre. He was huge for a newborn, at 8 pounds 5! He had lovely long hair & sharp nails, probably due to the fact that he is so overdue. The shape of his face is Daddy's but the eyes, nose & mouth are all Mummy's. But looking at Baby Matty, one could see the resemblance from Daddy's baby photos.
For a 4 day old baby, Matty certainly has his parent's character as well, including our impatience. When it's time for him to eat, if he doesn't get his milk quick & fast, he starts crying at the top of his lungs. It's a bit harrowing on the first couple of days, but Mummy & Daddy are slowly beginning to cope.
We are all still learning with everyone having their ideas on how things should be done. I'm sure that Mummy & Daddy will be able to handle it! Wish us all (including Baby Matty) good luck!
Thursday, 30 June 2005
Eviction Notice Served
By a twist of "fate"... going for cesarean seems to be the best option. Mummy has been schedule for the operation at 11.30 a.m. tomorrow.
Baby Matty has not engaged and Mummy's cervix has not dilated at all. Dr. Lim does not encourage going for natural delivery in view of the circumstances. So instead of inducing labour, looks like we are pretty much left with cesarean delivery... unless we want to wait out another week which is not advisable. Looks like Mummy will have to make use of this afternoon and read up more on cesarean delivery... something which we didn't quite prepare for.
A little disappointed because now Daddy might not be present to witness the birth of Baby Matty and there is a likelihood that subsequent babies will be delivered through cesarean as well. Not only that... breastfeeding might be harder as Mummy will be weaker physically as compared to a normal delivery and will definitely take much longer to recover. I will try to find out if it is possible to have epidural instead of general anesthesia... so that at least Mummy will be awake to welcome Baby Matty tomorrow.
Guess that it is true to say that we can never plan for everything in life. Let's just see how it goes tomorrow!!
Baby Matty has not engaged and Mummy's cervix has not dilated at all. Dr. Lim does not encourage going for natural delivery in view of the circumstances. So instead of inducing labour, looks like we are pretty much left with cesarean delivery... unless we want to wait out another week which is not advisable. Looks like Mummy will have to make use of this afternoon and read up more on cesarean delivery... something which we didn't quite prepare for.
A little disappointed because now Daddy might not be present to witness the birth of Baby Matty and there is a likelihood that subsequent babies will be delivered through cesarean as well. Not only that... breastfeeding might be harder as Mummy will be weaker physically as compared to a normal delivery and will definitely take much longer to recover. I will try to find out if it is possible to have epidural instead of general anesthesia... so that at least Mummy will be awake to welcome Baby Matty tomorrow.
Guess that it is true to say that we can never plan for everything in life. Let's just see how it goes tomorrow!!
Friday, 24 June 2005
Alert... Overdue!!!
Placenta is still functioning well... Amniotic fluid is sufficient... baby is active. And what does that mean? It means that Mummy is going to stay pregnant for another week.
After the checkup yesterday, Dr. Lim advised us to see him again next Thursday with the view of going for induction when we hit 41 weeks. As it is, woman giving birth in their 40th week is not very common... I think we are the rare case of being able to hold until the 41st week. Felt a little disappointed as we all thought that we can finally get to see and hold Baby Matty by the end of this week.
Having discussed with Daddy... we have decided to monitor the situation for another 2 days before deciding if we actually want to wait that long. Mummy hadn't been able to sleep well the night before... laid in bed from 2.30 am until the next morning. If I lie on my right, Baby Matty will kick almost non-stop. If I lie on my back, I can't breathe well. If I lie on my left, it gets numb after a while. The whole night was spent alternating between left and right... trying hard to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. We can't afford to allow that to continue for too long... otherwise Mummy's health might suffer due to lack of sleep and this will invariably affect Baby Matty as well.
Looks like we can only wait in the meantime.
After the checkup yesterday, Dr. Lim advised us to see him again next Thursday with the view of going for induction when we hit 41 weeks. As it is, woman giving birth in their 40th week is not very common... I think we are the rare case of being able to hold until the 41st week. Felt a little disappointed as we all thought that we can finally get to see and hold Baby Matty by the end of this week.
Having discussed with Daddy... we have decided to monitor the situation for another 2 days before deciding if we actually want to wait that long. Mummy hadn't been able to sleep well the night before... laid in bed from 2.30 am until the next morning. If I lie on my right, Baby Matty will kick almost non-stop. If I lie on my back, I can't breathe well. If I lie on my left, it gets numb after a while. The whole night was spent alternating between left and right... trying hard to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. We can't afford to allow that to continue for too long... otherwise Mummy's health might suffer due to lack of sleep and this will invariably affect Baby Matty as well.
Looks like we can only wait in the meantime.
Wednesday, 22 June 2005
Baby Matty hits 40 weeks tomorrow... which also means he is expected to be due tomorrow. Still waiting anxiously for his arrival with just one more day to go. Friends and family are equally anxious... with many messages flooding in each day checking in on us.
We will be visiting Dr. Lim again tomorrow morning and fairly certain that he would want us to be induced... just a matter of when. Hopefully the next time we post here again it is to put down the details of Baby Matty's arrival.
Baby Matty is definitely putting on quite a fair bit of weight for the last 2 weeks because Mummy is ballooning really fast and my belly is almost bursting every time he stretches to make himself comfy.
Can't wait for tomorrow to come!!
We will be visiting Dr. Lim again tomorrow morning and fairly certain that he would want us to be induced... just a matter of when. Hopefully the next time we post here again it is to put down the details of Baby Matty's arrival.
Baby Matty is definitely putting on quite a fair bit of weight for the last 2 weeks because Mummy is ballooning really fast and my belly is almost bursting every time he stretches to make himself comfy.
Can't wait for tomorrow to come!!
Wednesday, 15 June 2005
Too Much Time on Hand... But Not Too Much to Go
Mummy has finally started her holiday since Monday. Initially, I was of the view that I should try and conserve my annual leave and work as close as possible to the delivery date... but am now happy with my decision to take a break before the arrival of Baby Matty. Going to work felt almost like fighting a battle for the last two weeks. Endless number of tasks to complete every day and trying as hard as possible to do as much as I can (just in case Baby Matty decides to come the next day)... left me feeling all stressed out and drained of energy. I even have difficulties keeping a conversation going on for more than 10 minutes. It leaves me grasping for air most of the time.
However, on the other end... having too much time on hand may not necessary be a good thing! Started to revisit the forum again and popped back into the support group for miscarriage and stillborn. What else... it got Mummy emotional once again. As others went on about their personal experiences... I can't help but transport myself back to those days.
As we count down to the arrival of Baby Matty (just another eight days to go)... the insecurity in Mummy continues to linger even though we are so so so close to the finishing line. If there is no movement from Baby Matty for more than 2 hours in a stretch... Mummy will suffer from a panic attack. Good thing that I know where his feet are. A light tickle will send Baby Matty squirming and kicking as he tries hard to fight off the "attack". Ok... I know I'm bad... but I really need all the reassurance that I can get... and only Baby Matty is capable of doing that now.
Oh by the way... we got a new place!!! It is at the end of Sea Avenue and so much nearer to your grandpa and grandma. We will be busy doing up the place, renting out Waterplace and of course getting acquainted with Baby Matty... for the next 3 months at least.
For now, we will concentrate on counting down and wonder every morning if Baby Matty is arriving today or not.
However, on the other end... having too much time on hand may not necessary be a good thing! Started to revisit the forum again and popped back into the support group for miscarriage and stillborn. What else... it got Mummy emotional once again. As others went on about their personal experiences... I can't help but transport myself back to those days.
As we count down to the arrival of Baby Matty (just another eight days to go)... the insecurity in Mummy continues to linger even though we are so so so close to the finishing line. If there is no movement from Baby Matty for more than 2 hours in a stretch... Mummy will suffer from a panic attack. Good thing that I know where his feet are. A light tickle will send Baby Matty squirming and kicking as he tries hard to fight off the "attack". Ok... I know I'm bad... but I really need all the reassurance that I can get... and only Baby Matty is capable of doing that now.
Oh by the way... we got a new place!!! It is at the end of Sea Avenue and so much nearer to your grandpa and grandma. We will be busy doing up the place, renting out Waterplace and of course getting acquainted with Baby Matty... for the next 3 months at least.
For now, we will concentrate on counting down and wonder every morning if Baby Matty is arriving today or not.
Saturday, 4 June 2005
Not Landing Anytime Soon
Baby Matty has finally hit full-term now that we are 37 weeks along. Thinking that he will probably come earlier than expected... but not quite.
From the scan we did this morning, Dr. Lim confirms that the placenta is still "unripe" and still at stage one. The passenger will only touch down when the placenta gets to stage three. Looks like Baby Matty has decided to wait for Dr. Lim to return from his U.S. trip on 20 June.
However, Mummy has already decided to wrap up my work by next Friday and take a week of annual leave before starting my maternity leave (with the initial impression that Baby Matty will most likely decide to come before we hit the 40th week). Oh well... its ok. Been feeling a bit stressed out with the amount of work for the past one week and frantically trying to clear as much as possible every single day. Maybe taking a week or two off earlier will do some good. Gotta try and get as much rest as possible before the D day.
From the scan we did this morning, Dr. Lim confirms that the placenta is still "unripe" and still at stage one. The passenger will only touch down when the placenta gets to stage three. Looks like Baby Matty has decided to wait for Dr. Lim to return from his U.S. trip on 20 June.
However, Mummy has already decided to wrap up my work by next Friday and take a week of annual leave before starting my maternity leave (with the initial impression that Baby Matty will most likely decide to come before we hit the 40th week). Oh well... its ok. Been feeling a bit stressed out with the amount of work for the past one week and frantically trying to clear as much as possible every single day. Maybe taking a week or two off earlier will do some good. Gotta try and get as much rest as possible before the D day.
Monday, 16 May 2005
Get Set... Ready...
Baby Matty was estimated to weigh around 2.5kg (5.5 pounds) during the checkup last Saturday. Dr. Lim confirms that Baby Matty is of the right size... not too small... not too big. However, Mummy is still chided for being underweight. Recorded at 58.8kg, Mummy is behind the scale by 3kg.
Baby Matty kept to his part of the promise!! His head has turned downwards again and we are all praying that he will stay down until the day of delivery.
Mummy and Daddy will be moving back in with Grandpa and Grandma this Saturday until after the confinement.
The hospital bag is all packed... diapers and baby clothes are washed... and done with all the shopping. All set and ready for the big arrival.
Baby Matty kept to his part of the promise!! His head has turned downwards again and we are all praying that he will stay down until the day of delivery.
Mummy and Daddy will be moving back in with Grandpa and Grandma this Saturday until after the confinement.
The hospital bag is all packed... diapers and baby clothes are washed... and done with all the shopping. All set and ready for the big arrival.
Sunday, 1 May 2005
The Balancing Act
As Baby Matty enters his 32nd gestational week, his kicks and punches gets more and more powerful.
However during the checkup yesterday, Baby Matty's head has turned upwards again. It was a no wonder that the night before, the kicks were felt at the lower abdominal rather than the upper abdominal. If he stays in the breech position we will have no choice but to go for cesarean.
Mummy hasn't put on any weight since the last time we visited the gynae. Still at 57.7kg although Baby Matty is right on target base on the measurement of his head. Dr. Lim pointed out that base on statistics, if the mother does not gain at least 7kg by the time the baby is due, the chances of the baby dying inside the womb is 2.8 times higher. I have to admit that it has put a little worry in me upon hearing that... but trying not to stress myself over it unduly as it will be equally bad for the baby.
So we made (or more like Mummy made Baby Matty) a pact that Mummy will try to eat as much as I can and Baby Matty will be good and try to turn his head downwards soon... otherwise when he gets too big he will run out of space to turn again.
Then again... breech or no breech... as long as Baby Matty is healthy... other concerns are only secondary.
However during the checkup yesterday, Baby Matty's head has turned upwards again. It was a no wonder that the night before, the kicks were felt at the lower abdominal rather than the upper abdominal. If he stays in the breech position we will have no choice but to go for cesarean.
Mummy hasn't put on any weight since the last time we visited the gynae. Still at 57.7kg although Baby Matty is right on target base on the measurement of his head. Dr. Lim pointed out that base on statistics, if the mother does not gain at least 7kg by the time the baby is due, the chances of the baby dying inside the womb is 2.8 times higher. I have to admit that it has put a little worry in me upon hearing that... but trying not to stress myself over it unduly as it will be equally bad for the baby.
So we made (or more like Mummy made Baby Matty) a pact that Mummy will try to eat as much as I can and Baby Matty will be good and try to turn his head downwards soon... otherwise when he gets too big he will run out of space to turn again.
Then again... breech or no breech... as long as Baby Matty is healthy... other concerns are only secondary.
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Well, just from the antenatal class at least.
Today was the last class in the course me & Mummy signed up for. It's been rather interesting, & while much of the information was already available in books & the Internet, it was quite different when actually presented to you in practical terms.
We had a short revision of all the things covered & the teacher had ran through a short scenario of what might happen when the 'little one' (as she calls him) decides to come. I think the one thing that I did realise was the helplessness that one could feel at the onset of labour, knowing that everything will be up to Mummy & Matty. But, I know you guys will be there to help... Guess it will be a full-on family effort, right? :)
We concluded the class with the video of a delivery. This was one of the things Daddy was really looking forward to because of all the warnings he got about how gross it actually was. But then, it didn't seem that bad...
After that, we did the pre-registration for admission to cut down on the paperwork to be done on THE DAY. So, besides the packing of the bag for THAT DAY, I guess we are just about all in readiness to receive your brother.
Today was the last class in the course me & Mummy signed up for. It's been rather interesting, & while much of the information was already available in books & the Internet, it was quite different when actually presented to you in practical terms.
We had a short revision of all the things covered & the teacher had ran through a short scenario of what might happen when the 'little one' (as she calls him) decides to come. I think the one thing that I did realise was the helplessness that one could feel at the onset of labour, knowing that everything will be up to Mummy & Matty. But, I know you guys will be there to help... Guess it will be a full-on family effort, right? :)
We concluded the class with the video of a delivery. This was one of the things Daddy was really looking forward to because of all the warnings he got about how gross it actually was. But then, it didn't seem that bad...
After that, we did the pre-registration for admission to cut down on the paperwork to be done on THE DAY. So, besides the packing of the bag for THAT DAY, I guess we are just about all in readiness to receive your brother.
Sunday, 17 April 2005
In the Holy Land...
Daddy is in Israel now on a working trip. While it's a Sunday, the Jewish working week is Sunday to Thursday so it means that after breakfast, Daddy & his colleagues are all going to work... :(
Last night, we were hosted to a dinner at a Fish restaurant. It was amazing the amount of food was available. By the time we worked through the appetisers, we are all pretty full already. :p But then, the main course arrived!
Israel is a pretty young & old country. Modern Israel has only existed for just about 50 years, but the modern Jews claim the history back to biblical times. While the ancient history is interesting, espacially for christians, Daddy is also quite impressed with the history of the modern state over the years & all that they have endured.
Just across the street from Daddy's hotel is a pub which was bombed by terrorists years ago. A monument to the people who died still stand there. In Jerusalem, a Holocaust museum stands to remind us of the atrocities that humans can commit on fellow men. It's sobering but an important lessons for all future generations.
Last night, we were hosted to a dinner at a Fish restaurant. It was amazing the amount of food was available. By the time we worked through the appetisers, we are all pretty full already. :p But then, the main course arrived!
Israel is a pretty young & old country. Modern Israel has only existed for just about 50 years, but the modern Jews claim the history back to biblical times. While the ancient history is interesting, espacially for christians, Daddy is also quite impressed with the history of the modern state over the years & all that they have endured.
Just across the street from Daddy's hotel is a pub which was bombed by terrorists years ago. A monument to the people who died still stand there. In Jerusalem, a Holocaust museum stands to remind us of the atrocities that humans can commit on fellow men. It's sobering but an important lessons for all future generations.
Saturday, 16 April 2005
Feet in the Air
The arrival of Baby Matty felt a lot closer than what Mummy thought when Dr. Lim told us that he is ready to be delivered by 9 June. Mummy used to think that I seem to be forever pregnant but as we pass the 7th-month mark... that was not the case.
Baby Matty is doing well and his head has turned downwards... which means that natural delivery is possible. With his head in the downards position and his legs obviously upwards... I can feel his feet sticking out at my upper abdominal every now and then.
Daddy is now away on a working trip in Israel and will only be back next Wednesday. His plane should be touching down at Frankfurt in another 2 hours for a transit. Boy... don't we all miss him!! :)
Baby Matty is doing well and his head has turned downwards... which means that natural delivery is possible. With his head in the downards position and his legs obviously upwards... I can feel his feet sticking out at my upper abdominal every now and then.
Daddy is now away on a working trip in Israel and will only be back next Wednesday. His plane should be touching down at Frankfurt in another 2 hours for a transit. Boy... don't we all miss him!! :)
Thursday, 14 April 2005
Mummy & Daddy Love You...
I hadn't been looking forward to today. I thought that the memory of it would make it an all round lousy day. But then, I remembered the promise we made to the two of you; to celebrate your life & the short time you spent with us & decided to stick to that promise.
I thought it was an ironic coincidence that today is also 30 weeks exactly for little Matty. As we look forward to his arrival in 10 weeks (or less), I thank you 2 boys for opening our eyes to the wonderful world there is.
When little Matty grows up, we'll make sure he (& your other little siblings) know about the wonderful older brothers they have looking out for them.
We love you... Take care...
I thought it was an ironic coincidence that today is also 30 weeks exactly for little Matty. As we look forward to his arrival in 10 weeks (or less), I thank you 2 boys for opening our eyes to the wonderful world there is.
When little Matty grows up, we'll make sure he (& your other little siblings) know about the wonderful older brothers they have looking out for them.
We love you... Take care...
A Year On...
Time does fly. It has been a year since this blog was started. But I have my reservations about time healing all wounds. Mummy and Daddy are feeling better but somehow emotions still got the better of us as we approach this day. Nothing as overwhelming as what we felt a year ago… but the scar somehow remains and the sadness lingers around.
As we look forward to the arrival of Baby Matty and celebrate the beginning of a new life… we will never forget to celebrate what’s gone but forever precious to us, regardless of how short the life was. We will always remember that we now have three babies and not just one.
We miss and love our two angels… always.
As we look forward to the arrival of Baby Matty and celebrate the beginning of a new life… we will never forget to celebrate what’s gone but forever precious to us, regardless of how short the life was. We will always remember that we now have three babies and not just one.
We miss and love our two angels… always.
Thursday, 7 April 2005
Teach Me How to Cut My Toenails... Please!
Mummy and Daddy went for our first antenatal class on Tuesday and followed by a lecture on Wednesday. Guess that it is only the first week and nothing extremely interesting.
Most of the topics touched on are things which we would have read over and over again in reference books and forums... but it was fun getting the massage from Daddy though.
The minute Mummy got home... I have completely forgotten about the right way to get into bed without spraining myself. Simply too exhausted to actually think that much.
I think they should also teach us how to cut our toenails without hurting our back... taking into account the big tummies we have. Mummy is finding extreme difficulty in reaching for my toes to cut my nails. I never expect such a simple task to become a back-breaking affair. Why is it that nobody has told me that so far?
Most of the topics touched on are things which we would have read over and over again in reference books and forums... but it was fun getting the massage from Daddy though.
The minute Mummy got home... I have completely forgotten about the right way to get into bed without spraining myself. Simply too exhausted to actually think that much.
I think they should also teach us how to cut our toenails without hurting our back... taking into account the big tummies we have. Mummy is finding extreme difficulty in reaching for my toes to cut my nails. I never expect such a simple task to become a back-breaking affair. Why is it that nobody has told me that so far?
Sunday, 27 March 2005
Why No Ultrasound Scan?
After a painful wait of four weeks wondering how much bigger Baby Matty has grown... Mummy was anxiously looking forward to seeing Baby Matty again yesterday.
It was such a disappointment when all we got was hear Baby Matty's 141 beats a minute heartbeat through the doopler. There was no ultrasound scan done.
Sigh... looks like we got to wait for the next visit on 15 April. Hopefully we get to bring back some more photos to put into the album then.
And yes... Mummy is still underweight (recorded at 55.9kg) even though she has been eating like a pig lately. Darn, I think I need a reference guide on how to be a bigger pig.
It was such a disappointment when all we got was hear Baby Matty's 141 beats a minute heartbeat through the doopler. There was no ultrasound scan done.
Sigh... looks like we got to wait for the next visit on 15 April. Hopefully we get to bring back some more photos to put into the album then.
And yes... Mummy is still underweight (recorded at 55.9kg) even though she has been eating like a pig lately. Darn, I think I need a reference guide on how to be a bigger pig.
Wednesday, 23 March 2005
Matty's 1st Beemer
After Daddy's last car servicing, we were given a bunch of vouchers for use to get things from the BMW shop. So, rather than the usual T-shirts & umbrellas, we got this little car for Matthias.

(Took the picture with Daddy's phone so it isn't too clear...)
It looks really cute, and it's the same colour as Daddy's real Beemer. I guess Matty will be a bit too young for the car for now, but hope he has a good time zooming around in that!

(Took the picture with Daddy's phone so it isn't too clear...)
It looks really cute, and it's the same colour as Daddy's real Beemer. I guess Matty will be a bit too young for the car for now, but hope he has a good time zooming around in that!
Sunday, 20 March 2005
Just 95 More Days to Go
Although Mummy has been complaining that I seem to be forever pregnant... the due date doesn't really look that far away with just another 95 more days to go.
We are pretty much done with our shopping... only a few more items to get. I thought it was a good idea to get most of it done while Mummy is still physically up to making shopping trips. Squeezing through the crowd with a big tummy is not an easy task. And yes... we seemed to have bought too many clothing for Baby Matty. Mummy is starting to worry that Baby Matty might not even have the chance of wearing them all before he starts growing out of them... which also means more shopping trips when the time comes.
Mummy's energy level is going down again as we approach the third trimester. I can hardly bend over nowadays and get breathless more easily. To make it worse, Mummy wakes up in the middle of the night a few times just to make trips to the loo... either that or having endless dreams. Boy... its a no wonder that I can't seem to get enough rest. I am so looking forward to my maternity leave.
The experience of being pregnant gets more and more exciting as we advance further... with all the power kicks and punches from Baby Matty. Baby Matty does get more fidgetty nowadays... probably trying to make himself more comfy in there. Nothing too painful as what most people described... just a little ticklish. The joy of the whole experience is undeniable needless to say.
Meanwhile, Mummy is trying hard to put on weight. My last recorded weight was 55.4kg, 3 days ago. So far, Mummy has only put on 3kg from the first gynae visit... underweight for a preggie. Ideally, I need to put on around 10 to 15kg for the whole pregnancy. I have serious doubts that I can get that far... and can only try. I wonder how some people can actually put on 20 to 30kg? Hopefully with the daily intake of chocolate milk (eeewww... I hate milk), it will help Mummy gain some weight other than just providing Baby Matty with the calcium he needs.
We are pretty much done with our shopping... only a few more items to get. I thought it was a good idea to get most of it done while Mummy is still physically up to making shopping trips. Squeezing through the crowd with a big tummy is not an easy task. And yes... we seemed to have bought too many clothing for Baby Matty. Mummy is starting to worry that Baby Matty might not even have the chance of wearing them all before he starts growing out of them... which also means more shopping trips when the time comes.
Mummy's energy level is going down again as we approach the third trimester. I can hardly bend over nowadays and get breathless more easily. To make it worse, Mummy wakes up in the middle of the night a few times just to make trips to the loo... either that or having endless dreams. Boy... its a no wonder that I can't seem to get enough rest. I am so looking forward to my maternity leave.
The experience of being pregnant gets more and more exciting as we advance further... with all the power kicks and punches from Baby Matty. Baby Matty does get more fidgetty nowadays... probably trying to make himself more comfy in there. Nothing too painful as what most people described... just a little ticklish. The joy of the whole experience is undeniable needless to say.
Meanwhile, Mummy is trying hard to put on weight. My last recorded weight was 55.4kg, 3 days ago. So far, Mummy has only put on 3kg from the first gynae visit... underweight for a preggie. Ideally, I need to put on around 10 to 15kg for the whole pregnancy. I have serious doubts that I can get that far... and can only try. I wonder how some people can actually put on 20 to 30kg? Hopefully with the daily intake of chocolate milk (eeewww... I hate milk), it will help Mummy gain some weight other than just providing Baby Matty with the calcium he needs.
Sunday, 13 March 2005
Baby Fairs
Looks like Singapore is now awashed in pregnant women & babies & all the retailers are cashing in on it.
Mummy & Daddy did go to the Taka Baby Fair & although it wasn't much cheaper than normal, there were lots of free gifts. We didn't quite spend enough to get the little car, but still got plenty of toys, although it's going to be awhile before Matty can play with some of them. The whole trip was damned stressful, not because of the money spent but everywhere you turned, there was a pregnant woman or a kid running around, so have to be extra careful not to hit anyone!
Right after that, Isetan had their Little Tots Fair as well. More shopping by Granny & Daddy & Mummy also rounded out the rest of the things that we needed. We've managed to get pretty much everything that is needed for now is a couple of bedding sets for the cots (although we managed to get a really cute one at Aussino) & some disposable diapers for Matty.
The one last project we have on the table is the fixing up of the living room and Matty's room. We've pretty much shortlisted it to three designers, based on examples of their work that we have seen, so we'll be getting contacts & sitting down with them soon.
Mummy & Daddy did go to the Taka Baby Fair & although it wasn't much cheaper than normal, there were lots of free gifts. We didn't quite spend enough to get the little car, but still got plenty of toys, although it's going to be awhile before Matty can play with some of them. The whole trip was damned stressful, not because of the money spent but everywhere you turned, there was a pregnant woman or a kid running around, so have to be extra careful not to hit anyone!
Right after that, Isetan had their Little Tots Fair as well. More shopping by Granny & Daddy & Mummy also rounded out the rest of the things that we needed. We've managed to get pretty much everything that is needed for now is a couple of bedding sets for the cots (although we managed to get a really cute one at Aussino) & some disposable diapers for Matty.
The one last project we have on the table is the fixing up of the living room and Matty's room. We've pretty much shortlisted it to three designers, based on examples of their work that we have seen, so we'll be getting contacts & sitting down with them soon.
Monday, 28 February 2005
Getting Ready...
Wow, it's been awhile since Mummy and Daddy has written here. Guess we have both been busy.
Chinese New Year came and went and this year with all the usual festivities and food. Using this 'excuse', Mummy as been 'feasting' in an effort to get her weight up as Dr Lim has already 'cautioned' her about her low weight gain. She certainly didn't want another chiding from Dr Lim. In the end, she managed to gain a couple of kilos but still got a chiding because she should have gained more weight. So, it's back to feasting for Mummy.
Baby Matthias finally cooperated enough (just) for Dr Lim to check his heart flow and everything's fine and normal. During the check-up, he was really active and we finally realised that the movements we have been feeling this time wasn't kicking but his fiddling with his fingers. Of course, right after we said that he wasn't kicking much, he decided to give Mummy a big one, just to remind us that he's listening. We were joking that Babby Matthias takes after Daddy in this way, say something about him & he's likely to try prove you wrong.
Everyone is getting ready for Baby Matthias's arrival. Mummy, Daddy & even Granny is getting into shopping sprees, getting the necessary diapers, milk bottles, and cots for him. We were at Taka last Sat after Mummy's checkup and there were lots of stuff that looks like we should buy. But a nice saleslady has suggested to get them at the Baby Fair this coming weekend. So, this friday, Daddy & Mummy will be taking leave to beat the weekend crowds at the Taka Baby Fair.
Last night, Mummy thought of you boys again as we approach April again. We feel so sorry that while Baby Matthias seems to have everything getting ready for him, while you guys had nothing. I guess in the end, nothing will change that all three of you are special in your own little ways and the two of you will always have a very special place in our hearts.
We love you... Take care...
Chinese New Year came and went and this year with all the usual festivities and food. Using this 'excuse', Mummy as been 'feasting' in an effort to get her weight up as Dr Lim has already 'cautioned' her about her low weight gain. She certainly didn't want another chiding from Dr Lim. In the end, she managed to gain a couple of kilos but still got a chiding because she should have gained more weight. So, it's back to feasting for Mummy.
Baby Matthias finally cooperated enough (just) for Dr Lim to check his heart flow and everything's fine and normal. During the check-up, he was really active and we finally realised that the movements we have been feeling this time wasn't kicking but his fiddling with his fingers. Of course, right after we said that he wasn't kicking much, he decided to give Mummy a big one, just to remind us that he's listening. We were joking that Babby Matthias takes after Daddy in this way, say something about him & he's likely to try prove you wrong.
Everyone is getting ready for Baby Matthias's arrival. Mummy, Daddy & even Granny is getting into shopping sprees, getting the necessary diapers, milk bottles, and cots for him. We were at Taka last Sat after Mummy's checkup and there were lots of stuff that looks like we should buy. But a nice saleslady has suggested to get them at the Baby Fair this coming weekend. So, this friday, Daddy & Mummy will be taking leave to beat the weekend crowds at the Taka Baby Fair.
Last night, Mummy thought of you boys again as we approach April again. We feel so sorry that while Baby Matthias seems to have everything getting ready for him, while you guys had nothing. I guess in the end, nothing will change that all three of you are special in your own little ways and the two of you will always have a very special place in our hearts.
We love you... Take care...
Tuesday, 8 February 2005
Happy 1st Anniversary
Today is Chinese New Year Eve, as well as the 1st wedding anniversary of Daddy and Mummy. Oh yes... we are going to have a big bang celebration later - the reunion dinner!
To make up for the lost opportunity to celebrate our 1st anniversary, Daddy and Mummy went to Pan Pacific Hotel for buffet last Sunday and stuffed ourselves with loads of food. We haven't really had the time to spend some quality time alone. Weekends are always filled with housework or spending time with our respective families... so it was a good change to be able to do something different.
Mummy has been able to feel Baby Matthias move, kick and punch more frequently for the past 1 week. Its quite an exciting experience. Feels like a little mouse running around the lower abdominal area. But of course the bad part is that if Mummy lies in a position that is uncomfy for Baby Matthias, he will retaliate with a punch or kick almost instantaneously. If Mummy refuses to budge... more punches and kicks will be served. Luckily, Baby is more active during reasonable hours like in the morning and late afternoon... and not some unearthly hour.
Baby Matthias finally got his first cute (I think he would want to be referred to as handsome) outfit last Sunday.
To make up for the lost opportunity to celebrate our 1st anniversary, Daddy and Mummy went to Pan Pacific Hotel for buffet last Sunday and stuffed ourselves with loads of food. We haven't really had the time to spend some quality time alone. Weekends are always filled with housework or spending time with our respective families... so it was a good change to be able to do something different.
Mummy has been able to feel Baby Matthias move, kick and punch more frequently for the past 1 week. Its quite an exciting experience. Feels like a little mouse running around the lower abdominal area. But of course the bad part is that if Mummy lies in a position that is uncomfy for Baby Matthias, he will retaliate with a punch or kick almost instantaneously. If Mummy refuses to budge... more punches and kicks will be served. Luckily, Baby is more active during reasonable hours like in the morning and late afternoon... and not some unearthly hour.
Baby Matthias finally got his first cute (I think he would want to be referred to as handsome) outfit last Sunday.
Sunday, 30 January 2005
Baby Matthias (for sure)!
Yesterday was the detailed scan for the baby with the other Dr Lim. Basically, it was a detailed check of everything for your little sibling, from head to toe. Every part of the baby was carefully documented, from the size of his head, to his limbs & even counting the number of digits on his little hands and feet! It was quite an eye opener, compared to Dr Lim's ultrasound scanner. During the scan, we also confirmed that you have a little brother. I think the grannies are dissappointed as they wanted a little granddaughter to dress up, but Daddy's granny (belonging to the older generation) was obviously very pleased for a great-grandson.
Your little brother, unfortunately, was not being too coorperative during the scan, so Dr Lim missed out on one last scan for the blood leaving the heart due to how he decided to lie in Mummy's womb. So, during the next visit, we'll have to try again. Mummy has been asking him to "kick kick kick" every night. Obviously, he heard her as he was rather active during the scan, moving his legs & waving, but he just refused to cooperate to give a good view of his heart.
It was a little apprehensive for Daddy going into that room with Mummy as that was where we had seen you guys for the last time. But, knowing that you are keeping an eye on your baby brother brings some happiness to know that you are around.
Your little brother, unfortunately, was not being too coorperative during the scan, so Dr Lim missed out on one last scan for the blood leaving the heart due to how he decided to lie in Mummy's womb. So, during the next visit, we'll have to try again. Mummy has been asking him to "kick kick kick" every night. Obviously, he heard her as he was rather active during the scan, moving his legs & waving, but he just refused to cooperate to give a good view of his heart.
It was a little apprehensive for Daddy going into that room with Mummy as that was where we had seen you guys for the last time. But, knowing that you are keeping an eye on your baby brother brings some happiness to know that you are around.
Tuesday, 4 January 2005
Baby Matthias (or so we were told it could be)
We are finally out of the woods as Mummy is 4 weeks into the second trimester. Starting to gain lots of confidence as we get this far.
Saw baby yesterday and he was really active... kicking and punching away. Dr Lim said he thought he thought he saw a boy. Guess we will find out for sure at the next checkup on 29 January when we go for our first detailed scan. Anyway... all we pray for is a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby to hold.
Can't wait to feel the first kick from baby :)
Saw baby yesterday and he was really active... kicking and punching away. Dr Lim said he thought he thought he saw a boy. Guess we will find out for sure at the next checkup on 29 January when we go for our first detailed scan. Anyway... all we pray for is a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby to hold.
Can't wait to feel the first kick from baby :)
Saturday, 1 January 2005
Wishing for a Happier New Year!
The end of a year signifies another new beginning.
Year 2004 has been a roller coastal ride with all the ups and downs. Hopefully there will be more happiness for the coming year.
We finally bought the first item for baby - a cot. Still looking forward to a smooth checkup this coming Monday. Promised myself that if everything goes well from hereon... I will stop putting on hold doing more shopping for baby stuff.
It is starting to really get on my nerves that my two mothers have been trying to run my life over every little thing. I think I am really losing complete control of my life. I can't decide how I want to manage my time, my house or even what to buy for my kitchen. It is a big irony when they think that I am over-exerting myself when I try to do more... but at times felt that we are not able to take care of ourselves that's why we still fall back on them over certain things. Maybe I should stop being a coward and learn to say "NO"... but the thought of making them upset will make me stop in my tracks. I have given Daddy the full authority to give me a hard smack on my head should I be what my mothers are today.
Year 2004 has been a roller coastal ride with all the ups and downs. Hopefully there will be more happiness for the coming year.
We finally bought the first item for baby - a cot. Still looking forward to a smooth checkup this coming Monday. Promised myself that if everything goes well from hereon... I will stop putting on hold doing more shopping for baby stuff.
It is starting to really get on my nerves that my two mothers have been trying to run my life over every little thing. I think I am really losing complete control of my life. I can't decide how I want to manage my time, my house or even what to buy for my kitchen. It is a big irony when they think that I am over-exerting myself when I try to do more... but at times felt that we are not able to take care of ourselves that's why we still fall back on them over certain things. Maybe I should stop being a coward and learn to say "NO"... but the thought of making them upset will make me stop in my tracks. I have given Daddy the full authority to give me a hard smack on my head should I be what my mothers are today.